TWA New Partnership with Canada Weather Analytics, Inc.

"Bringing our planet’s next generation of data for forecasting the weather"

Tropical Weather Analytics, Inc., which has developed a unique space-based, stereographic imaging technique to provide precision altitude and wind measurements, is proud to announce a partnership with a Canadian company, Canada Weather Analytics, Inc. (CWA).

CWA intends to work jointly with TWA to establish the Orbital Weather Warning System, to take the “OWWS” out of extreme weather, by bringing the missing dimension of precision altitude and wind measurements developed by TWA to weather forecasting. This breakthrough capability has been proven with years of testing on the International Space Station by TWA.

The objective of this partnership is to mitigate losses caused by climate change and extreme weather events in Canada as well as worldwide.  To do so, CWA brings senior management with decades of engineering and entrepreneurial expertise, headquartered in Montreal and long collaboration with TWA.

Jean Genest, Chairman of CWA, is an aerospace executive who completed several successful startups in aviation. A Test Pilot School graduate, he was chairman of the Flight Test Section of the Canadian Aeronautics and Space.  Jean is co-owner of Pole Air Aviation, a maintenance and repair organization (MRO) providing services to tier-one airlines worldwide. Larry Goodman, VP Commercial, is a founder and CEO of Fusar Technology International. Designer and developer of specialized products for the Smartphone industry with distribution throughout Canada and the United States.

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