TWA to Present at National Tropical Weather Conference 2025
TWA’s Chief Scientist, Andrew LePage, has been invited to be a guest speaker at the National Tropical Weather Conference 2025
TWA’s Chief Scientist, Andrew LePage, has been invited to be a guest speaker at the National Tropical Weather Conference 2025
Weather forecasting has always been a challenging endeavor, requiring the analysis of vast amounts of data to predict atmospheric conditions. Over the decades, advancements in technology have continuously improved the accuracy and reliability of weather predictions. Among these advancements, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) has been particularly transformative, from its early use to its current applications and future potential. AI has emerged as a transformative force, reshaping the accuracy and efficiency of meteorological predictions, and this is just the beginning.
Space weather is having a larger impact on the smallsat industry than expected. Last week, 20 of SpaceX’s Starlink satellites met their fiery demise after a Falcon 9’s second stage engine failed. The satellites were placed in a lower orbit than planned and space weather ultimately doomed the company’s efforts to raise the satellites into a higher altitude that could salvage at least some of the Starlinks.
CyMISS provided stereo imagery of over 80 tropical cyclones and other atmospheric phenomena, such as wildfires, using a specially designed photography protocol.
How will IoT and advanced weather forecasts provided by Hurricane Hunter Satellites revolutionize industries?
Brookline, MA – March 1, 2024 Tropical Weather Analytics, Inc. (TWA), a
Accurate Characterization of 3D Winds Using Stereographic Observations from the Hurricane Hunter Satellites
This landmark collaboration signifies a groundbreaking step in reducing the economic and human costs of extreme weather events which are rapidly increasing due to climate change
The Hurricane Hunter Satellites would have made significant contributions to the forecasting of the strength and track of Hurricane Ian as well as aid in local forecasting
Had the HHSat constellation been in orbit, it certainly would have provided vital data to improve the forecasting of Hurricane Lee during its 11-day trek across the North Atlantic
Laser Comm, has the potential to solve the high-bandwidth communication demand but clouds are an issue. Our forecasts enable Laser Comm by offering CFLOS (cloud free line of sight) forecasts that are more accurate and reliable thanks to our unique, advanced wind and cloud data.
Clouds can give you a signpost in the sky marking the location of turbulence and hazardous weather conditions
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